Criticism and judgement

Can you imagine how wonderful it would be if you could live your life without ever being criticized by anyone, including yourself? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to feel totally at ease, totally comfortable instead of constantly worrying about how you are not measuring up to your standards or the standards of others? You would get up in the morning, and you would know you were going to have a wonderful day, because everybody would love you and nobody would criticize you or put you down. You would just feel great. Guess what, today is the day when you can give that feeling to yourself. You can make the experience of living with you the most wonderful experience imaginable. You can wake up in the morning so thrilled to find yourself and feel the joy of spending another day with you. Today, is the day you stop criticizing and judging yourself and everyone in your life. Remember, every time you make a judgment or a criticism, you are sending something out that is going to come back to you. Today, send out only positive thoughts. Accept yourself and others just as you/they are. Step away from your ego that either feels superior to others or feels inferior and just stop judging and criticizing yourself and others. You and everyone else in truth are doing the best you can. So, today stop criticizing and judging. Instead begin to approve of yourself and see what happens.


Just for today, I am willing to release all patterns of judgement and criticism. I now give out only that which I wish to receive in return. My love and acceptance are mirrored back to me in every moment. As I release all criticism, judgemental people leave my life. I now accept everyone as they are, including myself. I am enough and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.