It is time for you to let go of any emotions, energy, people, places, things and beliefs that no longer benefit you! However, it is not as easy as it sounds!Letting go often takes work on your part and requires you to do some introspection about what’s true for you now, what you are actually attached to, what need did that attachment have for you and why it no longer serves any purpose in your life. And, letting go is not the same as moving on without doing the work or simply forgetting about an important life-changing event or experience. Today, begin the practice of letting go by noticing the small ways in which you let attachment create unhappiness in your life. Take some time to really notice the people, places, things and beliefs that you have given your power over to and allow them/it to determine your happiness. Whether it's your beliefs about how your life "should" be; it's a belief that if/then you will be happy or it's a person who you are certain no longer needs to be in your life, begin the process of letting go today. Learning to let go of the things that are not serving you will free up energy and resources and you will begin to reap the benefits of a grateful, joyful life. Let go and set yourself free for a New Year!


Just for today, I am willing to let go. I give myself permission to let go. I am willing to let go of everything that no longer serves any purpose in my life-people, places, beliefs and habits. I let go of all expectations and flow easily and lovingly with Life. I know only good awaits me at every turn. I let go of all childhood fears. I am now a secure, empowered human being. I am safe and I feel free when I let go of things. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.