Forgive your parents..forgive your past
We all have family patterns, and it is very easy for us to blame our parents, our childhood, or our environment for the present condition of our lives. If we grew up in a family where criticism was the norm, then we are going to be critical as adults. If we grew up in a family where we were not allowed to express our anger, then we are probably terrified of anger and confrontation. As we grow up, we begin to live these false ideas and lose touch with our inner wisdom. However, there comes a time in all of our lives that we need to stop blaming our childhoods for our present behavior.
Today is that day! Today you can begin to realize that you can go beyond your family’s limitations. You are the one who suffers when you hold on to past grievances. You give the situations and the people in your life power over you, and those same situations and people keep you mentally enslaved. They will continue to control you if you stay stuck in your “unforgiveness.” Today allow yourself to let go of the beliefs that continue to hurt you and in reality are not true nor were they ever true. Today let go and free yourself from the needless cycle of pain, anger and recrimination that keeps you imprisoned in your own suffering and prevents you from creating positive, relationships with yourself and others. Today, forgive your parents, your past, and then let go so you can truly heal yourself and live in this present moment. You so deserve it.
Just for today, I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love. I forgive my parents for all past perceived hurts and I am free to love myself. I love myself enough to move beyond my parents limitations. I am now a complete, secure, independent adult, fully capable of taking care of myself and sharing my love and strength with the world around me. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.