Begin anew..

Tonight, is a New Moon in Aquarius and this New Moon also ushers in a new Lunar Year-the Year of the Pig. Since the start of this year, you and I have been walking the bridge between the old and the new. We have been given opportunities to clear the past and lessons on which we can build our future. Perhaps it hasn’t been very clear what direction you should turn, but now with this New Moon, you and I are going to see the way clearer as our individual paths unfold.

This New Moon and this Lunar New Year are the perfect time to plant seeds and set intentions; to begin new projects and new ventures; to take a leap from your comfort zones and go after your wildest dreams and wishes. No more playing small, no more dumbing down your life or following the status quo, this is a time to rise and claim your power. This is a time to live up to the truth of your soul. However, YOU must put an end to the bad habits, to the repetitive patterns, to the beliefs that are keeping you stuck, and the only way to do this, the only way to begin this journey is to love yourself, to release yourself from judgement, and to begin embracing all that you are. Today, under this New Moon energy, begin to stand tall in who you are, begin to listen to your soul and allow yourself to rise above your self- imposed limitations and realize in truth of you can do anything, you can become anything you desire, if you are listening to your soul and acting upon its guidance.


Just for today,I begin anew and claim and create all that is good. I gladly rid myself of thoughts and beliefs that I no longer need so that new ones can take their place. In the process, I bring much joy into my life. Life brings me only good experiences and I am open to new and wonderful changes. And so it is.