Comparison and Competition

"Comparing yourself with others is such a waste of time! It either makes you feel superior or inferior, yet never acceptable exactly as you are. Today, stop comparing yourself to others. There has never been another person like you or me since time began, so there is nothing or no one to compare or compete with. Today accept yourself for who you are right now. Accept that you are enough and stop focusing on what you do not have or what you do not want in your life. Accept that you, in truth, are exactly who you are supposed to be right now.


Just for today, I accept my uniqueness. There is no comparison or competition for we are all different and are meant to be that way.I know that if I focus on what I do not want, that is exactly what I will get more of. I focus on my many blessings and I watch them multiply. Everything I need comes to me at the perfect time in the perfect way. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.