Exhale and let go
Exhale! Mercury is retrograde and we are in the space that is called the dark of the moon, which is the day before a New Moon. These two cosmic events are the Universe giving you and me the time and space to breathe, to integrate all the lessons that you have been learning and to dream about your future. Today, use this time wisely by turning your focus inward and connecting with your intuition rather than your mind. Allow your imagination and intuition to be active and give your "mind" a rest. Slow down, be kind and allow your mind to rewind.
Just for today, I know that all that I seek is already within me. I look within to find my treasures. Everything I need comes to me at the perfect time in the perfect way. I am love. I am purpose. I was made with divine intention. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.