
There is tremendous power in our words and when we think a thought or when we speak a word or write a sentence, it somehow goes out from us into the law of attraction and comes back to us as an experience. Furthermore, the words we use in our everyday life are so powerful that they can either destroy or build relationships with ourselves and other people. Today be mindful of the words you say to yourself and to others. Being mindful of your self-talk is one of the best forms of self-care and self-respect. You are whatever you believe yourself to be. If you think you are smart, beautiful, ugly, or stupid, that’s what your reality will become. You and I get to shape our own story by the words we choose to describe our lives and our experiences. Today, choose your words wisely because they will become your truth.


Just for today, I monitor my self talk, making certain that it is positive, uplifting and supportive of myself and others. I speak and think positively. I know that every word I speak is an affirmation, my subconscious and the universe is always listening. I joyously give to Life and Life lovingly gives back to me. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.