
Drama loves more drama. Pain loves more pain. Negativity loves more negativity. Drama is a part of all of our lives and it comes in many forms. However, it is possible to stop responding to it. The first step is to recognize drama when it is in front of you. If someone is saying one thing and doing another, this is a sign of drama. Do not be fooled. What you see is exactly what it is. Another sign that drama is present is a false sense of urgency, being imprinted on you from another person’s frenzy of charged emotions. If something is not life threatening and you are told it needs to be done right now and you feel a sense of fear, chances are, drama is in front of you. Once you practice recognizing drama, you will better equipped to not respond to it, which in turn, allows drama to dissolve and to be stopped in its tracks. Not responding to drama is a practice. Not responding to drama means silence. It means not asking questions that take you deeper into the scenario. It means not agreeing or disagreeing, either with words or body language. Not responding means neutrality and not lending energy to the person or situation. This is a challenging practice and it may feel uncomfortable.

Today begin to recognize that the most powerful thing you can do to remove drama from your life is to sit with the discomfort of not responding. By not lending energy to something you do not want, you immediately create a closer connection to what you do want. Today, if you want less drama in your life, drop your drama at the door. If you want more peace, be more peaceful. And remember…don’t respond to drama and drama won’t come back around anymore.


Just for today, I release all drama from my life and I now get energy from the peace within me. I say 'out" to every negative thought comes to my mind. No person, place or thing has any power over me for I am the only thinker in my mind. I create my own reality and everyone in it. I live a simple life with very little drama. I am safe and everything in my life works now and forevermore. And so it is.