Caution-Karmic Cleansing Ahead

Tonight's Full Moon eclipse in Capricorn is one of the most psychically charged days of the year. Combine the psychic energy of the eclipse with the powerful energy of six planets that are now in retrograde and we are all being given opportunities to do some deep karmic cleansing-the unearthing of feelings that are buried deep within you. And although those energies can stir up a lot of drama, struggling and suffering because in truth YOU may be resisting change, they can also usher in a time of great healing. Today, use this super powerful energy to help you look within. Look within and then listen. Your Higher Self is guiding you to release anything in your life that doesn’t absolutely serve your HIGHER purpose. Today, set your intentions to be brutally honest with yourself. Be willing to face the truth and be authentic. You are learning that anything you desire in the outer world must be dealt with internally first. Use this time, to look within and to examine ways you are hiding from your power because of your fear...and then let them go. It is time you re-write your stories. Your life will never look the same if you are willing to change.


Just for today, I recognize in order to change my life on the outside, I must change inside. The moment I am willing to change it is amazing how the Universe begins to help me. It brings me what I need. I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to the small still voice within me. I trust my inner wisdom. It has all the answers to my questions. Everything is working out for my highest good and out of this situation only good will come. I am safe. And so it is.