Stop comparing yourself to others

Stop comparing yourself with other people! Comparing yourself to others is a waste of time and energy and is a losing proposition. When you compare, you experience lack, envy; resistance to who you are, where you are and what you have. Comparing yourself with others either makes you feel superior or inferior, never acceptable of who you are. Today, instead of comparing yourself and your life with anyone else's, accept that there has never been another person like you since time began, so there is nothing and no one to compare and compete with. Today, stop looking outside yourself to gain your value. Today, just love and accept yourself exactly as you are. Accept and celebrate your uniqueness!


Just for today, I accept my uniqueness. There is no competition and no comparison for we are all different and are meant to be that way. I am special and wonderful. I am beautiful and everyone loves me. I love myself exactly as I am and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.