The Present Moment

Knowing the importance of living in the moment is one thing; taking action is another. It can be challenging to live in the now when the now is tough or the future is totally unknown. However, the present moment is the only one that is real and you may be missing it because you are still mired in the past or worried about the future. Today, set your intentions to stay present. Recognize that the present moment is the only one that matters because it is the only one that is real and that it will soon be gone. You and I are not promised tomorrow, but we are promised right now. Today, live in the moment. Take in as much of every moment as you can. Your happiness is your choice. Today, choose to stay present in every present moment.


Just for today, I release the past and live in the present moment. Yesterday is in the past. I turn my total attention to the present moment. I know that my point of power is in this present moment. I am a powerful person because I choose to live in this present moment. I choose to make the rest of my life, the best of my life-one moment at a day. I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.