The need to be right
“Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?” We all have opinions on who was right and who was wrong according to our own perceptions, and we can all find ways to justify our feelings. Sometimes, you may even want to punish others for what they did to you; however, you are the one running the story over and over in your own mind, repeating the injustices that have been done to you. Today, recognize that your need to be right is limiting your life and will ultimately destroy you. Needing to be right leaves no room for compromise or compassion for another’s feelings, and will cause you more damage in the long run. Today, choose to step back before you react! Take a breath and ask yourself is it worth the time, energy and later the guilt and regret to be right. Then choose to consciously respond rather than react. After all, the truth is "you have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.” Today, let go of your need to be right, righteous and thus, better than someone else. Today, release the past, be willing to forgive, even if you don’t know how. Be willing to not be right. Be willing to be at peace.
Just for today, it does not matter what other people say or do. What does matter is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself. I now choose to release all hurt and resentment. I forgive everyone for not being what I want them to be. I release the need to be right and I choose to be at peace instead. Out of this situation only good will come and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.