Dive deep
We have been on an emotional roller coaster since the start of this year. And, although your feelings are intended to be guiding you on your journey, you may have been finding ways, usually unhealthy ways, to avoid those feelings. You may choose to remain silent in the face of confrontation instead of speaking out and defending yourself, or you might hide behind your anger instead of admitting that you are frustrated and scared. You may have chosen to return to old and worn out relationships, activities and habits that you clearly know serve no purpose in your life and now are being used to distract you from your truth. Furthermore, those avoidance techniques are in reality keeping you stuck and are stopping you from moving forward. Today, instead of looking for people, places, things, and habits to avoid feeling your feelings, why not make some time to tune into them and allow them to help guide you on your next steps. Today, ask yourself what you need to let go of in order to be happy and how can you begin to expect more from your life. Then, allow yourself to listen to your feelings and know that they will not go away until you choose to process them, no matter how busy you keep yourself, no matter how medicated you keep yourself or no matter how much your monkey mind tells you it's all okay to avoid your feelings, you will be forced to process them. Today, harness those feelings instead and allow them to help you make the positive changes that you are being guided to make, even if you've been avoiding them.
Just for today, I listen to my feelings and I am gentle with myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends. I am safe when I express my feelings. I can remain serene under all circumstances. I am willing to let go of everything that no longer serves any purpose in my life. I choose to belief that I am worthy of all that is good in life. I am safe and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.