Second guessing yourself

Stop second guessing your decisions today. When we make any decision, for better or for worse, we effect change. And sometimes it’s scary to be responsible for the change we effect. However, the only way to make change is to make a decision to change. Today begin to trust yourself and the decisions you make even if they result in someone else getting upset or that it results in you feeling some discomfort. Making a decision sometimes forces you to grow in areas where you’re not comfortable. When you second guess yourself, it’s usually because of that discomfort. But it’s important to remember that change happens incrementally. Even if you’re not seeing an obvious positive result yet, it might be coming. And your broader intentions led you there for that reason. Today, stop worrying about making the wrong decision. There is no power in that. Instead, know that things are working out for your good and that you are learning and growing while you find your bearings. Today just go easy on yourself. You are not who you were yesterday and you are not who you will be tomorrow. So, make peace with that. Life is full of second chances. We are always in a state of evolution. Today, let go of the fear of making a mistake of hurting another person's feelings or of never being able to change your mind. Remember good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions. No decision is unchangeable or is the wrong one since they all contribute to your self growth.


Just for today, every decision I make is the right one for me. Challenges are opportunities for me to grow. The more I learn, the more equipped I am to handle whatever situations come up. I know that there are no mistakes because every situation has something to teach me. I am safe and all that I ever need to know is revealed to me at the prefect time, in the perfect way. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.