Solar Eclipse + New Moon=radical change
Today we will experience a solar eclipse, which although you will not be able to witness it, you will definitely feel it's energy! A solar eclipse happens when the Moon casts a shadow onto the earth blocking the light of the sun. For a moment, the world is submerged in darkness. Where there was light, there is a momentary time of darkness. And, this is a metaphor for what 2020 has taught us, about how quickly our world can be transformed into a dark and scary place. But, just as with the solar eclipse which is a momentary darkness, our world will see the light again but our world will never look the same. What you once knew as true now has a shadow of a doubt cast upon it. Adding to the powerful energy of the solar eclipse is a New Moon tonight, which is always a time of new beginnings. However, this New Moon because it falls on the same day as an eclipse truly initiates radical change. Today, use all of this incredibly transformative energy to assist you in setting your intentions for a more hopeful future for yourself and the planet. Do not look back because what you have been holding onto for safety is in reality gone, done and over. Today, is a new beginning for us all. Stay open to receiving all the abundance and prosperity that the Universe will offer you and stay true to yourself and you will always find your way.
Just for today, I have the strength to remain calm in the face of change. I know that in order to change my life on the outside, I must change the inside first. The moment I am ready to change, it is amazing how the Universe helps me. It brings me everything I need. I cannot change another person. I let others be who they are and I simply love who I am. I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of my every changing life. Everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.