The present moment holds your peace

What you resist persists and by resisting reality, you become disempowered, hopeless, and stuck. During this time of enormous change it is easy to want to fall back into the "good old days" or stay stuck to your beliefs in what should happen next, causing unnecessary suffering. Today, set your intentions to remain as present as you can. For you see, by resisting and fighting what is happening, you are actually creating more of what you don’t want because you’re constantly focused on what you don’t want. The only way to create what you do want is full acceptance of what is. This is the place where you see possibility instead of limitation. Where you get creative. Where you can see solutions. Where you feel hope and maybe even some peace. Today, stay focused on what is in front of you, stay focused on this present moment. Celebrate it. Appreciate it. Even when you don’t feel like it. Especially when you don’t feel like it. Today recognize that small acts of appreciation and gratitude for the present moment can cause giant shifts in your life. Today, whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Accept what is right in front of you so that you can move on into a new now and a new normal.


Just for today, I know that if I focus on what I do not want, that is exactly what I will get more of. I recognize that my point of power is always in the present moment. I know that the past is over and done and has no power over me. I can begin to be free in this moment. Today's thoughts create my future. I am in charge. I take back my power. I create the life I desire. I am safe. I am free to move forward and no matter what happens, everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.