There is so much stress in our day to day existence and we all do lots of stuff to try to rid ourselves of that stress. However, you nor I can ever eliminate "stress" from our lives until we begin to understand that stress is a fear reaction to life and to life’s constant changes. Stress has become a catch word for anything we find challenging, unpleasant or just uncomfortable and we use it as an excuse for not taking responsibility for our feelings. Today begin to equate the word stress with the word fear and you can begin to eliminate the need for fear in your life. A peaceful and relaxed person is neither frightened nor stressed. Today, acknowledge that your stress will not ever go away as long as you live on this planet, but the way you deal and confront it can change. And, that change does not happen in your outer world, but it comes from within you. When you are kinder to yourself, you become kinder to others. When you love yourself, become compassionate and patient with yourself, you are able to give it away freely to others. So today, lighten your load and your holiday stress by being kind, comforting and understanding of yourself. Begin to practice letting go of fear and trusting that things will always work out for your highest good-not the way you want them, but always for your highest good. Today, consciously release your fear and watch the stress leave your life.
Just for today, I create a stress free world for myself. I realize that stress is just fear. I release all fears. I am a capable person and I can handle anything that comes my way. I am safe and I know that Life will support me in every way. Out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.