The Art of Receiving

For many of us, no one ever taught us how to receive. In fact, you may have been taught that it is actually better to give than to receive. However, giving and receiving are yin and yang, the equivalent of the infinity symbol—looping back and forth, neither side larger than the other, both integral to the larger whole. And, when you only give and never allow yourself to receive, you most likely end up feeling resentful, angry and just plain depleted, not feeling satisfied or whole. Today, it is time for you to learn the skill of receiving. Begin by recognizing and acknowledging that you are enough just as you are and deserve to receive, even if you don't give anything. You are enough exactly as you are right now. The act of giving or receiving doesn’t change that at all. Next, create space for you to receive. This includes being aware of all the ways you can receive, whether it is accepting kind words, casual compliments or a stranger’s smile. Know that when you allow yourself to receive, you are becoming more comfortable with the art of receiving. Today remain conscious of how your receiving empowers those who are giving to you and begin to let others help you with grace and the profound gratitude that someone wants to be of service, to give to you and just allow yourself to receive.


Just for today, I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance of the Universe. I am now willing to be open to the unlimited prosperity that exists everywhere around me. It is becoming easier for me to ask for what I want. Today, I will ask for three things and people will be happy to give them to me. I am worthy of receiving. I am enough just as I am. Life brings me only good experiences. I am open to receiving new and wonderful changes. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.