Everyone is a reflection of you
Everyone is your mirror. What this means is that others are simply reflecting parts of your own consciousness back to you, giving you an opportunity to really see yourself and ultimately to grow. The qualities you most admire in others are your own and the same goes for those qualities you dislike. Today, begin to become aware that if you want to change anything in your relationships, you must be the change you want to see.It is only when you understand what it truly means to see yourself reflected back at you, that there is no room for blame, there is no room for judgement and there is no room to feel like a victim of another person's actions or words. There is only room for real love based on understanding and gratitude. Compromise comes easy, forgiveness is a given and growth is inevitable. Today, be the change that you want to see in your life by loving and approving of yourself no matter what. Then, that self love will be reflected back to you ten fold. You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop, and what you reinforce. Today treat yourself with love.
Just for today, I love myself therefore I attract only positive people and experiences into my life. I attract only loving relationships into my life for they are a mirror of who and what I am. I am lovable. I am loving. I am loved and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.