Surrender! Surrender literally means to stop fighting. Stop fighting with yourself. Stop fighting the universe and the natural flow of things. Stop resisting and pushing against reality. And, surrender is the complete acceptance of what is and then accepting that all is well, even without your input. Today, you and I would be best served to surrender and stop trying to control everything, stop trying to keep everything the way it was or the way you "thought" it should be. Today, surrender and choose to believe that you live in a friendly universe. Choose to let go of your need to control and recognize that you in reality were never in control. Today choose to surrender, choose to be at peace with the process of Life.
Just for today, I surrender to what is. I let go of what was and I have faith in what will be. I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of my every changing Life. I move through Life, knowing that I am divinely protected, guided and loved. I am safe. It is only change. And everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.