Inner wisdom

Even when our world is at a relative standstill, you can use this time to process and re-evaluate the goals and dreams that you had prior to the pandemic. With many of our planets in retrograde right now, you are being given the chance to review and re-evaluate everything in your life. Today, make some time just for yourself to be still and quiet. If you have not used this forced standstill to begin a meditative process then today would be a good day to do so. Whatever you believed that you previously wanted in your life is certainly being revisited now. And the only way to find direction and answers is to look inward and to listen to find all the answers to all the questions you have been seeking. Your ego, however, wants you to continue to suffer and struggle and it will prevent you from hearing your inner voice, the inner guidance that will guide you on the next steps of your journey. Your ego wants you to "think" your way through life. Today, stop thinking, stop talking and begin to listen to the inner guidance that is always available to you. You will be amazed at what you discover.


Just for today, I allow myself to be quiet and still and I am amazed at what I discover, Life is just waiting to share its secrets with me. I trust my inner wisdom. All that I ever need to know is revealed to me. My intuition is always on my side. I trust it to be there at all times. I am safe. I am divinely guided protected and loved. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.