
We are in a time of deep healing. And, during this time, it is important not to avoid your feelings, ignore your feelings, judge your feelings or just numb out your feelings because they are there to help you heal. What is coming up for you now has, in all likelihood, been buried for some time because you were "too busy" to deal with those feelings and issues. Now, during this time of "forced isolation", your feelings are coming up for you to process them and to be healed for good. Today, set you intentions to allow yourself to feel all your feelings, not just the ones that make you and those around you feel good but all of them. Today recognize that by ignoring or displacing your feelings, they will become way more powerful and destructive than they would be if you didn’t try to control or avoid them. Today, instead of putting all your energy into avoiding, controlling, and eliminating your feelings, allow yourself to become attuned to them. Allow yourself to reconnect with them so that you can make better and healthier choices for yourself. Today recognize that your feelings aren’t problems. They are not inconvenient. They, in fact, are trying to move you into the direction of health and well-being. Today, allow yourself to feel all your feelings and know that all your feelings are your friends.


Just for today,I listen to my feelings and I am gentle with myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends. I am safe when I feel and express my feelings. I can remain serene in all situations. I focus my attention on loving myself and trusting in the Universe. All is truly well in my world and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.