Stop judging and criticizing yourself and others
Judge others and you will be judged. Accept others and you will be accepted. Most of us go through our days making judgements and criticizing our self and others without even recognizing how much damage we are constantly doing to our self esteem. And, usually our judgment of others is an extension of self-judgment; and that self-judgment is so ingrained, so normal, we don’t even recognize it. However, all that judging and criticizing is keeping you and I stuck in place mired in fear, in the fear of missing out and the fear of not ever being enough. Today, begin to recognize that at the root of all your judgements is your ego. The ego compares the self with others, often putting others down to temporarily boost up the self. Then it starts to compete, trying to prove that it is better. Then, before you know it the criticism comes, which quickly leads to condemnation. Once we’ve reached that state, there’s no peace left in our mind and no love left in our heart—and therefore, no happiness. Today is the day that you stop judging and criticizing and begin to accept, instead. Today, consciously shift your thoughts from judging to accepting, not only others, but also yourself. When you put as much energy into accepting yourself as you do in criticizing and judging yourself, you will find the happiness and peace that you have been seeking.
Just for today, I no longer judge or criticize anyone, including myself. I am free to love who I am. love, approve of and accept myself exactly as I am. My self-esteem is high because I honor who I am. I choose to feel good about myself each day. It is a new habit that I am choosing to cultivate. I am safe, divinely guided and protected. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.