Your feelings have something to tell you-listen!

Sometimes the last thing you want to do is feel your feelings because feeling them can hurt. Feelings can make you vulnerable and you may even mistakenly think that they make you weak. Today, however the Universe is encouraging you to stop sweeping your emotions under the rug and feel them, express them and allow yourself to learn from them. Allowing yourself to process your feelings, rather than letting them build up until they drain you or come out in odd places at odd times, will begin to transform your life. Today, recognize that every one of your feelings has a message behind it. Perhaps that message is simply to allow yourself to feel the emotion until it dissipates. Or maybe the feeling is guiding you toward some action. And, processing your feelings gives you access to your inner wisdom. Because you already have every answer you will ever need inside of you; you just need to learn how to access that information. They hold the answers about your relationships, your life direction, how to take care of your health, how to move toward what you want. Translating what your feelings are trying to tell you provides a direct conduit to your own higher wisdom. It may take time and effort to clear out what you were in the habit of stuffing down, but the more you lean into whatever is asking to be seen, the more your life will open and expand. The more you will align with your soul and your soul's purpose. Today allow yourself to feel your feelings and express your emotions, you will find that it can be very liberating.


Just for today, I listen to my feelings and I am gentle with myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends, not just the ones that I like. I am safe when I express my emotions. I can remain serene under all circumstances. I feel my heart open and I know that there is room enough in it for myself. I love and approve of myself exactly as I am and out of this situation only good will come. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.