Life is simple and easy

There are a lot of people who have convinced themselves that life is too hard, and that good things only happen to a select group of people, or that some people are just lucky, and life favors some and not others. Fortunately, that is not the truth. In fact, we are all the masters of our own destiny, and if you put the work in you will undoubtedly see positive results. The choices you make have consequences, and the thoughts you think affect the choices you make. So today the best place to start if you want to change your life is to change your thinking. When you take full responsibility for your thoughts and actions, you can never blame anyone or anything for the way your life is today. It’s not what happens outside that affects your life; it’s the reaction you have to what happens outside that affects your life. You are not your mind, you are the person who can control what your mind thinks. Today, consciously begin to take responsibility for your thoughts and then take responsibility for the life you create. One thought, one decision, one action at a time. You create your world and everyone in it. Today, choose to create the life you desire.


Just for today, I recognize that Life is very simple. I create my experiences with my thinking and feeling patterns. And what I choose to believe about myself becomes my truth. I do not fix my problems. I fix my thinking and my problems fix themselves. I recognize that in order to change my life on the outside, I must change inside first. The inner creates the outer, always. I am a master of mind mind, not a victim of my thoughts. All is well. I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.