Give yourself permission to let go and free yourself from the past

Everything is changing. The status quo is no longer acceptable in our outer world, and that includes our personal and professional lives. And, you and I are being given revelations about people and circumstances that we can no longer ignore. Today, it is time to let go of toxic circumstances, people, choices and behaviors, which in reality no longer serve any purpose in your life, even if your monkey mind tells you otherwise. You can no longer hold on to them for the sake of safety and security. You can no longer ignore the the signs, symbols and synchronicities which are messages telling you to let go. If you ignore those messages that you are receiving the Universe will make the changes for you and you in all likelihood will suffer because you were unwilling to let go and change. Today, let go of everything that in reality is holding you back, keeping you stuck and yet they make you feel safe. Today, let go and do what's right for you and nothing less.


Just for today, I am willing to let go. I give myself permission to let go of all the people, places, things, beliefs and habits that no longer serve any purpose in my life. I now choose to release all hurt and resentments. I let go of all fear and doubt and life becomes simple and easy for me. I am worthy of the very best in life and I now allow myself to accept it. I am safe. I believe in myself and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.