You are the change

We are witnessing the dismantling of many of the systems that brought us safety and security and it can feel scary and overwhelming. However, if each and everyone of us does our part, we will create monumental change. Today, if you are feeling scared, pray to have the courage to stand up and do what's right even if its uncomfortable-especially if it's uncomfortable! It is time for you and I to start to be the change in our world. Today, begin to live your life intentionally-not from ego. It has been shown to us that ignoring the injustices in our society is not working and cannot continue. Today, let go of the illusions and all the people, places and things that made you feel better because you were doing something good, but did not change anything in your world or the world at large. It is time to get real. It is time to stop following our egos. Stop giving our power over to illusions that clearly are not helping anything, even if they keep telling you that they are helping-helping only their own selves, that is. This is not a comfortable journey but it is a necessary one. Today, be the change in your world so our world can change into a place that is more just, offers more equality and ultimately more peace for all.


Just for today, I return to the basics of life-forgiveness, courage, gratitude, love, and humor. I have the courage to live my life on my own terms. I am courageous. I am whole and I stand in my own power. I am safe and Life supports me in every possible way. Out of this situation only good will come and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.