
So much has changed in our world that you might be feeling confused and a bit disoriented. The only thing that seems to be a constant these days is uncertainty. Your future is uncertain because our collective future is uncertain. Nobody knows how or when we will go through our current pandemic, and how it will affect you personally. We don't know what the new normal is yet, but one thing is certain, we can never return to our life as it was before, no matter how much you try or fight against the new normal. The world has changed and so have you. This can have you feeling anxious and frightened. That's why breathing and staying present is so important right now. As you stay connected to your body and centered in the present moment, you can tune into your intuitive guidance which will always lead you on the right path.⁠ Today, set your intentions to look within; to stop yourself from looking backwards or forwards and allow yourself to adjust to your and the world's new normal. All the answers, the peace and the serenity that you have been seeking through your doing, doing, doing can be found when you allow yourself to stop doing, look within, allow yourself to forgive, let go of your past and the people in your past and to listen to your inner wisdom. Your new normal begins within you, not outside, not in another person, place or things. Allow yourself to listen today and you can begin to live in the new normal.


Just for today, I take in a nice deep breath and I release all resistance to healing. I breathe fully and deeply. I take in the breath of Life and I am nourished. I look within to find my treasures. I know that all the answers to all the questions that I may ever ask are already within me. I trust my inner wisdom. It is always on my side. I am safe, divinely guided and loved. I am willing to change and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.