The world is a mirror of how you feel about yourself
We teach others how to treat us and our behavior toward ourselves is the model we present to others as how to treat us. The things we believe and think about ourselves come out in our behavior and other people pick up on it. If we are self-critical and self-abusive to ourselves, un-evolved people will follow our lead. Today, if people are treating you “badly,” investigate how you treat yourself, and treat yourself better. Others will follow your lead this way too. Today, allow your perception to shift and begin to see yourself and others with love and compassion. Your whole world will change.
Just for today, I recognize that when I create peace and harmony within my mind and my heart, I will find it in my life. The inner creates the outer always. My consciousness is filled with healthy, positive loving thoughts which are reflected in my experiences. I do not have to earn love. I am lovable because I exist. Others reflect the love that I have for myself. I attract only loving people into my life because they are a reflection of who and what I am. I am safe. I am loved and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.