Let go....

One of the most challenging things in life is knowing when to let go. Most of us default to safety, which often means procrastinating and generally feeling stuck. While there’s nothing wrong with safety—it is, after all, one of our basic needs—we must learn to discern what is truly safe and what is safe for the sake of comfort and conformity. Today, it is time for us all to step out of the safety game and let go of the people, places, things, habits and beliefs that are keeping you and I feeling safe but in reality stuck. Resistance and fear will try to tell you a whole lot of stories about why you should be grateful and stay put. They will give you a lot of reasons, rationalizations and perhaps lies of why you should just stay where you are. However, if you wait long enough and dismiss your deep truth, life will make sure that truth comes out one way or another. Events and circumstances will happen that will cause you to move, and sometimes cause you to move at a rate that you did not expect or plan. Today, consciously set your intentions to stop waiting for life to force you to change or to cause a bunch of drama to make you change. You are worthy of feeling fulfilled and nourished; that is the point of life. Today, recognize that everything has a season—sometimes the season lasts a minute, sometimes it lasts years, but eventually there is a new season on the horizon. Nothing you do or nothing that you have done is or was a waste of time. Every experience has a meaning in your life. Today, listen to your inner wisdom and let go because a new season is right in front of you.


Just for today, I am willing to let go. l willingly let go of all the people, places, things, beliefs and habits that no longer serve any purpose in my life. I give myself permission to let go. I let go of all my childhood fears. I am secure empowered human being. I deserve the very best that life has to offer and I lovingly allow myself to accept it now. I am safe and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.