Loss and grief
We all have lost so much. And whether you have lost a friend, a family member, your identity, your goals, money or just the illusion that you were in control of what comes next in your life, the result is that you and I are in all likelihood grieving for our losses at some level. And, grief is one of those emotions that has a life of its own. It carries every feeling within it and sometimes there’s no way to discern it. However, it also carries one of the greatest lessons that we as humans must come to terms with-the lesson of impermanence—that everything that comes into being will go out of being. And, no one escapes that lesson. So today, allow yourself to grieve your losses but also take extraordinary care of yourself. Accept that there is so much that you and I can never fully understand. Give yourself time and space to allow yourself to cry, mourn and to then come to peace that nothing lasts forever and that your pain will pass. Like everything else, all suffering will go, until one day it comes again.
The greatest thing about loss is that it helps us grow up. It matures us. It brings wisdom. It teaches us to let go. We learn we can go through hard times and we will come out the other side. And, we will discover that our happiness never really went away—it still exists inside of us—yet, we are remembering it anew. We are all beginning anew.
Just for today, I know that it is okay to be sad sometimes. Sadness is just another feeling. I allow it to be and then it passes away. I have the strength to remain calm in the face of change. Nourishing myself is a joyful experience. I am worth the time I spent on my own healing. I am safe and I am in the process of healing every part of my life. Out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.