Earth Day-take loving care of this planet
Happy Earth Day! Although most of the time I write about the other planets that are impacting us, today it is time to focus on the very planet we all inhabit, planet Earth and to remember the gifts that Earth provides to all life. It is a day to set our intentions to protect, conserve, and care for the very planet with live on. And, it is a day is to honor our home planet and all the gifts that it gives to us every day, even if we are distracted by ego and fear. Today, take some time to look outside yourself to see how truly blessed we all are to live on this magnificent planet. Be grateful for all its gifts and commit to making one small change that will help to heal this planet, which we collectively have been destroying for many years. Today, consciously become a part of the solution to heal this Earth and appreciate the beautiful world you live in!
Just for today, I recognize that we are all family and this planet is our home. Every person, place and thing are interconnected by love. I am at home in the Universe. No matter where I am on this planet I am always safe and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.