There is very little in life, if anything more important than our relationships. How connected we feel to others is a strong predictor of our own happiness and our feelings of self-worth. Our deeply connected relationships can ultimately give us true meaning and purpose. However, after a year of being isolated during the pandemic, it can be challenging to get reconnected. You may be either isolating yourself intentionally or trying to reach out to people who clearly serve no purpose in your life any longer, either one can leave you feeling even more disconnected and lonely. But before you can make powerful connections with others, there’s someone else you need to connect with—yourself! For your see, when you are disconnected from yourself, you lose your power and your confidence in your abilities; thus, your ability to trust yourself diminishes. And if you can’t trust yourself, how can you trust others? So, today consciously take the time to discover your own wants and desires and to connect fully with your values. When you have this self-knowledge a lot of other things quickly fall into place. Whether you create a new habit of meditation or just a designated YOU time, by creating time to connect with the vision you have for yourself, you will gain clarity and begin to create real connections with the world outside. As you grow more connected with yourself and your environment, your own power and confidence will grow as a result and you will have the ability to connect with new people in a new profound ways, which meet your and in many way, their new needs. A strong connection is sometimes all we need, and in some cases, all we have, to keep us sane in this evolving world.
Just for today, I recognize that every person, place and thing on this earth is interconnected by love. I am at home in the Universe. I forgive everyone in my past and release them with love. I am safe in all my relationships. I give and receive lots of love. I attract only loving relationships into my life for they are a reflection of who and what I am. I am safe. I am lovable, I am loving, I am loved, I am love and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is