Know your truth

Most of us want nothing more than to just move forward and out of where we are right now. However, before we speed ahead in our lives, there are some things you and I need to know! Right now, the Universe wants you and I to slow down and to really listen to the messages that we are being given in small quiet, but also repetitive ways. You and I are being given an opportunity to see some of our challenges in a new light, so that we can gain a fresh, new perspective on old issues-issues that you might have thought you were done with but now have returned so that you can once and for all breakthrough those challenges. This might not be an easy process. Some of the revelations can be shocking or uncomfortable. But, we can never hide or ignore our way out of our truth and it is time to listen to our inner wisdom not our over thinking brains. If there are thoughts or important information that haven't been incorporated into your consciousness, now is your chance to reclaim them. Today, and for the next couple of weeks, allow yourself to revisit the issues that are keeping you stuck and in truth have kept you stuck no matter how much you've rationalized your suffering away and no matter how frightened those truths may seem to you. Remember, the truth will set you free but you must be willing to know your truth in order to be free. Be willing today.

Just for today, I choose to know the truth and the truth sets me free. Divine wisdom, divine harmony and divine love reign supreme within me and all around me and around each and every person. We are all centered in truth and live in joy. And so it is.