Karmic healing is happening
Thanks to Saturn retrograde, we are all currently getting a glimpse of the karmic patterns and issues that we have been ignoring. And, most of us have come to understand Karma as some sort of punishment for something we have done in this life or in one of our past lives. However, Karma is not meant to be a punishment. It is present for the sake of our education. Karma exists to teach us how to be a good person, by showing us that our actions and thoughts are wrong. And, Karma is all about what we put out into the Universe will come back to us in some way and can be the root of all our suffering. Today, recognize that Life requires your participation to happen. It does not happen by itself. So what is happening in your life right now, you in reality created it. You are one with the Universe, both inside and out and whatever surrounds you can give you clues to your inner state. And, no matter where you are or where you hide, there you are. It is you who must change and not the people, places or things around you if you want to grow spiritually. When you change who and what you are within your heart, your life will follow suit and change too. Today, acknowledge that, you only suffer if you have created the conditions for suffering. So today begin to look within and take responsibility for your own happiness, your own thoughts and your own actions. Today, know that history repeats itself until you learn the lessons that you need to change your path. Today, begin to recognize your part in your suffering. You and I are meant to find new ways to use our time and efforts. Begin to learn those lessons today.
Just for today, I recognize that Life is simple. What I give out comes back to me. I choose to give out love. I attract only loving people into my world for they are a mirror of who I am. I am a magnet for miracles and I am willing to see where and I how need to change. I am safe, divinely guided and protected. And, everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.