Some people say peace of mind lies in security. Some say it’s about acceptance and letting go. But, in the end, it’s all about what you do, say and the integrity in which you live your life each day! So, today recognize that things will always change. Life will sometimes be tough and challenging. People will say and do things that upset you and that’s just the nature of things. However, as long as you hang onto your integrity, no matter what is happening in your world, you can go to bed with a clear conscience. And no matter how tough things get, you can still have a sense of peace within you. Living out of alignment and out of integrity will keep you stuck in your suffering, no matter what excuse you hold onto to make your behavior acceptable. Each and every time you choose to do what you know is "wrong", you create karma which you will have to correct sometime in your future, you will have to relearn the lesson you chose to skirt by lying or being deceitful or just out of alignment. Your soul and the Universe are always listening and know all! Today, if for some reason you end up treating someone unfairly or unkindly, or doing something dishonest or mean, make amends for it as soon as you can. Don’t wait. Correct your mistakes as soon as possible, and you can find peace of mind in the fact that you have improved upon your actions and done your part to relieve any hurt feelings or guilt. Today, try to understand others rather than judging them. Today, radiate genuine compassion and love, not superficial niceties that you think are fooling the world but are only keeping you isolated in your world of dishonesty and deceit. Not only will others benefit; you’ll also add to your own sense of self-esteem. Today, stop lying to yourself about why you are doing things that are out of alignment with your greatest good. Today, choose to do the right thing, even if no one is watching or will ever find out you. Not only will you benefit from your integrity but the world will benefit too. Today, choose to live with integrity and honesty and you will choose to be at peace.
Just for today, I am the executive of my own world and I act with honor and integrity with all I do. I am committed to honesty, integrity and excellence. It does not matter what other people say or do. What does matter is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself. I choose to believe that I am loveable; I am safe and I choose to live in integrity. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.