Feeling stuck or blocked?
We all get stuck: paralyzed about a decision, unsure what choice to make or stuck in a situation because our ego needs to be right. And you may just be stuck in a rut, in a situation, conflict or even in quicksand, wondering and worrying about why things do not seem to change. You may be stuck in resentment or disappointment that you just can’t quite recover from or you have unconsciously decided that you must win at all costs because you are right and being so righteous. Maybe you're stuck in a plan that’s not working as anticipated. Stuck in a destructive, repetitive cycle with family members, coworkers, or friends. And, when you are stuck, things feel immovable, so permanent and maybe, even hopeless. Today, acknowledge that you in reality are not stuck and can move forward with intention. In fact, you are actually extremely adept at getting unstuck, you've done it your whole life. You just need to surrender and be willing to let go. Today, recognize that you have the ability to see the same thing in new ways, to discover new insights about yourself and your life and you can change your attitudes. But, you must first change the way you keep seeing your life situations and reacting to those situations. Today, spend some time thinking about what you think is keeping you blocked. What thoughts or beliefs about your current or past keep coming up and repeating themselves over and over again. Then, if possible, back away from the people, places and situations you feel stuck and instead FOCUS on where things move with ease and where you feel good. Changing your focus will bring more positive and free-flowing energy into your life. Focusing on the positive and being grateful will be the first steps out of your current state. Today be willing to see how you created the blocks, what you have chosen to attach yourself to because you need to be right/win and then be willing to surrender, let go and move on. Today let go of the stories that keep you stuck so you can indeed be free to move forward.
Just for today, I know if I focus my attention on what I do not want, that is exactly what I will get more of. I focus my attention on loving myself and trusting in the Universe. I focus on all the good in my life and I am grateful. Life supports me in every possible way. I am willing to see how and where I need to change and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.