The Winter Solstice

Today, we celebrate the Solstice, a time when the Sun “stands still” and we experience the shortest day and the longest night of the year. The increased hours of darkness is said to help guide us to enter into the dark night of the soul, a time of retreat where we can go within and hear the subtler stirrings of our being. For you see, sometimes it is only in the darkness that we can truly feel comfortable to be ourselves. When the spotlight of the Sun shines down on us, we can feel exposed, we can feel that we have to act or be a certain way. When the lights are turned off, when it is just us, alone with our thoughts at midnight that is when we can truly dive deep into our core and come face to face with a new truth of who we are. 

Today’s Solstice offers us an opportunity to enter into the darkness. To move away from the spotlight and instead to sit with ourselves and our own truth. We don’t need to explain this truth to anyone. We just have to sit with them and allow them to be. In the darkness, our thoughts don’t matter. It is our feelings that can truly shine. It is our emotional voice that gets a chance to speak, and we have to allow it to be heard. Today, create some space and time to sit with the stillness of the Solstice, for when you do, you will be able to step into a new power and a new truth of who you really are.

Just for today, I choose to know the truth the truth sets me free. Divine wisdom, divine harmony and divine love reign supreme in me and all around me and around each and every person. We are all centered in truth and live in joy. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.