New Friends for a new day

Our relationships are mirrors of ourselves and what we believe about ourselves. And sometimes, those beliefs about ourselves and what we deserve change and we therefore must change our relationships and who we choose to spend our time and our lives with. Today, as we all begin again in so many ways, it is time to see where your limiting beliefs about yourself and your relationships may be stopping you from letting go of old relationships that no longer serve any purpose in your life and from reaching out to make new ones. Limiting beliefs surrounding our relationships and friendships are often rooted in our fear of rejection, criticism, ridicule, or betrayal. We therefore proceed with caution in order to protect ourselves from getting hurt. This leads to limiting behaviors that cut ourselves off from what’s possible by painting ourselves into a box that feels safe. We miss out on opportunities that would enrich our lives. Today, set your intentions to begin to break free from those limiting beliefs by first examining which on those beliefs just aren’t true. Today, step out of those limiting beliefs and set out of your comfort zone by allowing yourself to act against your self-protecting instincts. Begin by taking baby steps. Do not jump into new relationships because you are feeling disconnected before taking a look at your limiting beliefs for they will continue your pattern of isolating yourself or choosing people who will not be in alignment with your new belief system. Today be willing to see the limiting beliefs are keeping you stuck in old relationships and making it difficult to make new ones. Today be willing to let go of any limiting beliefs that aren’t serving, that are keeping you feeling disconnected and alone so that you open yourself up to new people and experiences. Today, know that if you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you. Today, let go of your limiting beliefs and open yourself up to new experiences and new relationships. Just for today, I release all fear and doubt and Life becomes simple and easy for me. It doesn’t matter what other people say or do. What does matter is how I choose to react and what I choose to belief about myself. I choose to believe that I am deserving of all that is good in this life. I am safe. This is only change and everything is working out for my highest good And, so it is.