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Begin anew

One of the greatest misconceptions in life is that we are somehow powerless to let go of what’s behind us. That we have to carry regret, shame, or disappointment, and that we have to allow our past, on some level, to dictate how today will unfold. Today, it is time to awaken to the fact that the past is the past and doesn’t have to shape what your present looks like. In truth, at any moment, you can let go of who you’ve been and decide to be someone new—to do something differently. It won’t always be easy, but it is always a choice you can make. Today, acknowledge that you always have a choice-you can either dwell and stay stuck, or let go and feel free. Today, as we begin a new week give yourself space to fill yourself up with good feelings about the beautiful day in front of you—and the beautiful tomorrow you’re now creating. Today, accept that no matter how hard the past, you can always begin again. Choose to begin anew today.

Just for today, I recognize that this is a new day, one I have never seen before. I begin anew and claim and create all that it is good in this Life. I forgive myself and set myself free. I am willing to see my life in a whole new way. I am safe and divinely guided and protected as I begin anew. Everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.