New Moon in Leo

We have a New Moon in Leo. New Moons are a powerful time to set intentions for the weeks ahead. We can use the New Moon energies to get clear about what we wish to focus on in our lives. Tonight’s Leo New Moon offers a beautiful wave of energy to support us in gaining some clarity and courage. It may inspire us to get in touch with our passions, to return to projects or hobbies we had forgotten about, and to prioritize joy and lightness. One of the highest frequencies of the Leo energy is the quality of simplicity. When we simplify, life can become easier, less emotionally heavy, and we can find it easier to make room for joy. And adding to the Leo New Moon energy is Venus which is retrograde helping us all to delve into the shadows of our hearts so that we can reclaim those parts of ourselves that have not felt worthy of love or money. Today, set your intentions to begin to learn how to co-create your life with a stronger sense of worthiness and that you can be loved simply by being yourself-you do not have to earn it! Today, accept that your next chapter hasn’t been written yet. Today, allow the New Moon energy to help you to write your future with passion, purpose, and an unwavering commitment to your joy.

Just for today, my self esteem is high because I honor who I am. I love and accept myself exactly as I am. I draw love and acceptance into my life and I allow myself to accept them now. I have the self esteem, confidence and courage to move forward with ease. I am safe and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is