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Don't believe everything you think!

You are not your thoughts. In fact, as humans our thoughts do not represent reality. We are the ones who choose to believe that they are real, when, in fact, they have nothing to do with reality. We are the consciousness from which our thoughts arise. And,  our capacity to think is incredibly susceptible to error.  Assumptions, misinformation, ego and limited beliefs are just a few patterns of unhealthy thought that interfere with our judgement and sometimes are just plain not true. In truth, our thoughts do not represent reality. We are the ones who choose to believe that they are real, when, in fact, they have nothing to do with reality. And, no matter what situation life presents us, we can always choose to view ourselves the way we want-we can always choose the way we “think” about the situation. Today, it is time to accept that just because you think something doesn’t always make it true. Today, set your intentions to let go of your attachment to your thoughts-whether they be negative or positive. Once you realize that your thoughts are faulty, there will be nothing else standing in your way. And when you realize that there is nothing standing in your way, you will see it was your thoughts that were holding you back from being who you wanted to be this whole time. Today, consciously don’t get attached to your thoughts. Today, don’t let your mind push you around—just let it go. Today don’t believe everything you think! Just for today, I recognize that I am not a victim of my thoughts but rather a master of my mind.  I recognize that it is my thoughts that create my experiences and I am unlimited in my ability to create the good in my life.  I am safe.  I am divinely guided and protected. And everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.