Just Breathe

Often when we’re feeling frustrated, or panicked, or stressed, or scared, we tend to breathe rapid, shallow breaths, or find ourselves holding our breath which allows minimal air to our lungs and to our brains. This can actually lead to a number of physical problems. So on top of the difficult emotions we may experience, we then create short-term and long-term physical problems by reducing the amount of oxygen that gets to our brains, making it hard to function at a high level. Today, the Universe wants us to consciously just breathe-slow, belly breaths. Not only will it help you release tension and reduce anxiety; it also provides a solid internal focus to help ground you when you may feel overwhelmed by outside circumstances. And, concentrating on your breath can remind you that no matter how catastrophic things may seem, you are alive. You are in truth okay. You will get through it. So, today if you’re feeling overwhelmed, just breathe. Forget for a minute about everything that needs to be done, and take it all one slow step and deep breath at time.If you’re feeling worried, just breathe. Forget for a minute about everything that might go wrong and create what can go right, one slow step and deep breath at a time. If you’re feeling scared, just breathe. Forget for a minute about everything that might hurt you and take care of yourself, one slow step and deep breath at a time. Often times the world inside our heads is far more chaotic than the world outside it. Today, remember that you have immense power to calm it by remembering to just breathe. Just for today, I let go of all fear and doubt and Life becomes simple and easy for me. I recognize that stress is only fear. I now release all destructive fears and doubts. I accept myself exactly as I am and create peace in my mind and my heart. I am loved. I am safe and in truth, everything always is working out for my highest good. And so it is