
Often our most painful moments, the times that test the very core of who we are, are the moments that provide us with the greatest opportunity for growth. Those moments become an opportunity for you to develop greater self-love and greater self-trust, which is exactly why you and I were put on this planet.  Today, as you integrate the lessons from last year and perhaps from yesterday,  it is the time to be extra loving and extra patient with yourself. Today,  set your intentions to be patient with yourself and hold patience and presence in every moment. Trust in the process of Life and be grateful for all your blessings even if they aren't exactly as you thought they would or should be. Today, consciously choose to be at peace with the imperfect process of Life.

Just for today, I recognize that I have come to this planet to learn to love myself more and to share that love with others. I recognize that patience is being at peace with the process of Life. I relax and know that everything I need to know will be revealed to me in the perfect time, in the perfect way. I will not be distracted by noise, chatter or setbacks. I will allow patience, commitment, purpose and grace to guide me. I am safe and I trust that everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.