Thankful on Thanksgiving
“The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.” It seems to be human nature to want what we don’t have and to dwell on the negatives—instead of celebrating what we do have and focusing on what’s going well. Today, begin to focus on your many blessings and be grateful for them all. By consciously remaining in a state of gratitude you will allow yourself to remain in the present moment and to keep your attention on the good rather than the bad. Weather changes, possessions come and go, people come in and out of our lives and experiences—both good and bad–all come to an end. But your attitude of gratitude will allow you to remain fully present in every moment and to enjoy every last moment until there are no more. Happy Thanksgiving.
Just for today, I awaken appreciating everything in sight and I am grateful. The more grateful I feel the more I recognize that the supply is endless. I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.