Second guessing yourself

Stop second guessing your decisions today. When we make any decision, for better or for worse, we effect change. And sometimes it’s scary to be responsible for the change we effect. However, the only way to make change is to make a decision to change. Today begin to trust yourself and the decisions you make even if they result in someone else getting upset or that it results in you feeling some discomfort. Making a decision sometimes forces you to grow in areas where you’re not comfortable. When you second guess yourself, it’s usually because of that discomfort. But it’s important to remember that change happens incrementally. Even if you’re not seeing an obvious positive result yet, it might be coming. And your broader intentions led you there for that reason. Today, stop worrying about making the wrong decision. There is no power in that. Instead, know that things are working out for your good and that you are learning and growing while you find your bearings. Today just go easy on yourself. You are not who you were yesterday and you are not who you will be tomorrow. So, make peace with that. Life is full of second chances. We are always in a state of evolution. Today, let go of the fear of making a mistake of hurting another person's feelings or of never being able to change your mind. Remember good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions. No decision is unchangeable or is the wrong one since they all contribute to your self growth.


Just for today, every decision I make is the right one for me. Challenges are opportunities for me to grow. The more I learn, the more equipped I am to handle whatever situations come up. I know that there are no mistakes because every situation has something to teach me. I am safe and all that I ever need to know is revealed to me at the prefect time, in the perfect way. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Be gentle with yourself

Many of us want nothing more than for happiness to be our constant state of being, and have a hard time forgiving ourselves when we don't live up to those expectations. In fact, you may even hide the fact that you are suffering from others in an attempt to not bring anyone else down. However, hiding your pain and suffering is not making anything better and is compounding your them and preventing you from healing. Today, consciously embrace your sadness, your frustration and the darkness which Mars retrograde has been dredging up in all of us. -so that we may heal and move into a new future. Today, instead of beating yourself up, negating or denying your sadness and grief, or trying to “fix” it, simply repeat to yourself what Louise Hay used to say “Be gentle with yourself.” Give yourself a big strong hug and tell yourself how much you appreciate you—all of you, now in this moment and forever.


Just for today, I am gentle, kind and comforting to myself as I uncover and release old negative messages within me. I am gentle with myself, knowing that I am doing the best I can with the knowledge, understanding and awareness that I have right now. I listen to my feelings and I am gentle with myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends, not just the ones I like. I am safe and out of this darkness only good will come. And so it is.

Boundaries will keep you safe


We are being given so many lessons this year. One of the most important lesson is about boundaries and how they can help you stay safe from over giving to others and neglecting your own needs. Today, take some time to process your feelings before responding because your feelings will tell you when you are over giving and thus are out of balance. Rather than allowing other people to trigger you, make certain that you are creating space for yourself. And pay attention to whom or what you are giving too much time and energy to, which is draining or upsetting you. Then, consciously pull back from those engagements. Today, be willing to maintain your boundaries from the energy suckers around you and make certain that you, even if it upsets the people around you are making time to nurture your body, mind and spirit.

Just for today, I acknowledge that the only people who get upset about me setting boundaries are those people who are benefitting the most from me having none. My life is joyously balanced between work and play. I say yes when I mean yes and no when I mean no. I know what I want and I do not have to apologize for it. My mind and body are in perfect balance. I am a harmonious being and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.


The universe is always unfolding exactly as it should, not exactly the way we "think" it should. And, sometimes it doles out experiences in the form of peace and serenity, and other times, its gifts come in the form of challenges, struggles and strife. Your experiences are specifically suited for your personal growth and evolution. Whether you are having the experience of anger, resentment, joy, happiness, or love, your experiences are uniquely designed to help you become who you were meant to be. Today, allow yourself to feel all your feelings. Your feelings are a barometer of what is really happening in your life-not your thoughts or rationalizations. Give yourself some time and space today to stay awake and to allow yourself to have some revelations. Allow your subconscious to bring things to the surface that have been troubling you for months or years but you continue to ignore them consciously or unconsciously. Today, allow yourself to be quiet and still so that you an receive intuitive insights and revelations that you will need to have to move you forward towards your future. Do not ignore your feelings or intuition. They are screaming at you to stay awake and to rethink the people, places and things in your life. By doing so you just might realize the the future, the people and the places that you thought you wanted in your life just might be much different than what you had previously thought you wanted.


Just for today, I allow myself to be quiet and still and I am amazed what I discover, Life is just waiting to share its secrets with me. I am willing to feel all my feelings. I know that all my feelings are my friends, not just the ones I like. All that I ever need to know is revealed to me. My intuition is always on my side. Life brings me only good experiences from which I can learn and grow. I am safe. I am willing to let go and I am willing to change. And so it is.

Healing your past and creating your future

We are in a time that is ripe for healing-healing your past and creating your future through that healing. Today, begin to become aware that you can change your future with your present actions and heal your past with your energy. Today, if you find yourself dwelling on your past, remind yourself that you have the power, right NOW, to change your future. If you remember a wound from your past, you can send love to yourself and that situation to heal the past energy. If you find yourself in an old pattern, ask yourself what choices can you choose to make now that can create a different outcome. As you change your energy and your thoughts, you will change the trajectory of your life. Today, know that the past is over and done, that your future is yours to co create and that you write the future one moment at a time in this present moment, NOW.


Just for today, I create a wonderful new day and a wonderful new future. The past is over and done and has no power over me. I can begin to be free in this moment. Today's thoughts create my future. I am in charge and I now take back my own power to create the life I desire. I know that if I dwell on what I do not want that is exactly what I will get more of. My future is bright and beautiful. I am safe and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.

True to you

The only thing standing between you and your dreams is you. And if you let your fears dictate your choices, if you let external opinions govern your actions, and if you let negative thoughts influence your beliefs, you’ll end up settling for what’s comfortable for you instead of what’s best for you. Today, set your intentions to stop getting in your own! You might not be able to choose what happens to you, but you can choose how you spend your time on this Earth and how you choose to react to what is given to you. You can choose to spend it working toward your dreams, or you can choose to spend it working toward someone else’s. Today, recognize and honor the fact that this is your life and it is up to you to decide what you do with it, how difficult or how easy you want to make it; how much you struggle and how many obstacles you continue to put in your way. It is all your choice. Today, choose to be true to you and your hopes and dreams.


Just for today, I am neither too much nor too little. I do not have to prove myself to anyone I act as if I already have what I want. It is an excellent way to attract happiness into my life. It does not matter what other people say or do. What does matter is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself. I choose to feel good about myself. I think big and then allow myself to accept even more. I am safe and I believe I can do anything when I put my heart and mind to it. Everything is is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Your world is a reflection of you

If you want a loving life, you must think loving thoughts. If you want a prosperous life, you must think prosperous thoughts. If you want a joyous life , you must think joyous thoughts. Today, remember that whatever you send out verbally and mentally will come back to you in like form. And what you see in others exists in you. Today be the person that you want to see reflected back to you.


Just for today, I recognize that Life is simple and easy. What I give out comes back to me and what I choose to believe about myself becomes my reality. I do not have to earn love. I am loveable because I exist. Others reflect the love I have for myself. My consciousness is filled with loving positive thoughts that are reflected in all my experiences. I am safe. It is only change and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

Peace begins within you

It seems as if most of us have been searching for peace amongst the chaos that has been surrounding us for months, perhaps for years. However, most of us are looking for that peace in all the wrong places, things and people. However, when you recognize that life is your mirror, you can begin to understand that the outer chaos merely represents your mental state. And, when you can quiet your inner chaos, your outer chaos will also dissipate. It is only from cultivating an inner calm and centeredness that you will be able to transcend above any outer chaos. Today, is the day that you stop searching, seeking and wishing your way towards inner peace. Instead, begin by really using your affirmations, replacing the running inner dialogue of anger, frustration and fatalistic thoughts. Next, create a regular time during which you consciously choose to quiet your mind through whatever type of meditation works for you-watching tv, listening to podcasts and talking to your friends or therapist does not count as meditation. Meditation is about quieting your mind. No more excuses, you cannot create peace through your monkey mind. Today, remember, the outer world is a mirror of our inner world. If you can tame the inner beast inside, the dramas in your outer world will subside.


Just for today, I recognize that when I create peace, harmony and balance in my mind, I will find it in my life. The inner creates the outer, always. Because I keep myself centered in peace, I have peace in my outer world. I am the only power in my world and I create a peaceful, joyful fulfilling life. I am at peace and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Feeling the Full Moon

If you were lucky enough to see the moon last night you were treated to some luminous beauty, a preview of our Full Moon tomorrow. And, as we begin a new month with a Full Moon in Aries, you in all probability have already begun to feel the intensity of this fiery full moon. Today, before we experience the power of that full moon take some time to reflect on the many lessons that September brought you and me. It has been a month filled with lots of emotions. And, since Full Moons bring us culminations and endings, today would also be a good day to reflect on what you would like to release during tomorrow's full moon. Most of us right now feel some degree of uncertainty about our futures. Perhaps it would be a good idea for us to let go of the need to know what comes next; to know the outcome of the future. Today, contemplate how far you have come and how much you have accomplished this month. Despite our individual and collective suffering, wondering and worrying, each one of us has been growing in leaps and bounds. Today honor your growth and know that even if you do not want to change, you have been changed and your world will never look the same.


Just for today, I am proud of myself and all the lessons that I have learned this month. I am willing to learn something new every day. The more I learn, the more I grow. I recognize that each day is a new opportunity. Yesterday is over. Today is the first day of my future. I know that every obstacle is but a stepping stone. My good cannot be stopped. I am safe. It is only change and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Impermanence and attachment

Nothing and no one is permanent in our lives, no matter how hard to hold on or how many illusions you create to remain attached to them. And, love is not about attachment or permanence. Love is about spending time with another person, sharing moments, experiences, and each other.

The moment you make it about “keeping” another for your own gain, your own needs, it becomes about your ego, fears, and insecurities. Sometimes happiness and love for others is moving on and letting go. Today it is time to consciously allow yourself to let go of who you used to be; to let go of the people in your lives that no longer serve any purpose in your life and to let go of the fear of the unknown. It is time to let go of your life and the illusions that you are holding onto out of fear. It is time to let go of your past and stop creating illusions about how good it used to be. In reality, it was not and you and I need to change. Today allow yourself to let go and stop looking back. Today allow yourself to let go and when you do you will be free of the idea of attachment and permanence and you will be able to see the simple beauty of this moment, now. Be willing to let go-the past is over and the future awaits you only if you let go.


Just for today, I am willing to let go. I am willing to let go of all the people, places and things that no longer serve any purpose in my life. I know that old negative patterns no longer limit me. I let them go with ease. I let go of all expectations. People, places and things are free to be who they are and I am free to be me. I give myself permission to let go and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Over thinking is stopping you from moving forward.

Whatever issues life presents us, whether small or big, we think about them. We think about what to do, what not to do, and what would be “best” for us and for everyone around us. But how often do you think about your thinking? Have you ever stopped to question whether you are over-thinking, whether all your thinking, thinking, thinking is actually productive and how to stop the incessant loop that runs through your brain, which in reality is wasting time and does not achieve anything. Today it is time to recognize that all your thinking, planning and scheming is in actuality stopping you from moving forward. Today it is time to stop over thinking everything. It is time to consciously remain present-not in the past or the future but in the present where you can actually take practical steps towards achieving your goals. It has been said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Today stop thinking, thinking thinking and take a concrete step towards your future. Allow yourself to stop thinking, listen to your intuition and allow yourself to take a risk and take one step, knowing that you will only know if you are headed in the right direction when you actually take action in that direction. Today, take one step and then another.


Just for today, I do not fix my problems. I fix my thinking and then my problems fix themselves. I know that if I want to change my life on the outside, I must change the inside first. The inner creates the outer, always. I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to that small still voice inside me and when I do I hear all the answers to all the questions I shall ever ask. I am willing to take the first step. I am willing to grow and change. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.


It may be challenging to step into a state of gratitude during this time of tumult and fear. But now, more than ever, you and I need to practice gratitude. The practice of gratitude can lift you out from under the heavy weight of your unsettling thoughts and feelings and move you into the direction of loving-kindness. Today, no matter what is going on in your life, make time during the day and before you go to sleep to count your blessings, to focus on what you have to be grateful for. It is a fact that you cannot be frightened when you are in a state of gratitude and acknowledging what you have to be grateful for will bring you more. Be grateful today!


Just for today, I am grateful. I am grateful to be alive another day. I am grateful for every experience that I have every had for they have taught me so much and have shaped me into the person who I am right now, who is exactly who I am supposed to be. The more I am grateful, the more I have to be grateful for. The supply is endless. I begin and end each day in gratitude and joy. I am safe and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Cultivate joy

It can be really challenging to find happiness and joy these days. However, it is still possible and perhaps it is essential for you and I to cultivate joy during these frightening and divisive times. And you may even feel a bit selfish and crazy to focus on happiness when the world around you is in so much distress. Yet, that is exactly why it is so important for you to do so. For when you cultivate joy, you contribute to raising your vibration and the vibration around you-you contribute to the culture of joy. Today, despite what is happening around you, actively seek out people, places and things that bring you joy. Take a walk, find ways to move your body that are fun and that lift your spirits; connect with people that make you feel loved. And, finally seek out things that make you laugh because it is true that laughter is the best medicine. The world needs you and I to once again feel good, uplifted and joyful. Today set your intentions to find joy because it is still out there you just need to seek it out, find it and make it your daily practice. Cultivating joy in your own life will ultimately change the world around you.


Just for today, I am surrounded by joy and laughter. How wonderful it is to be alive. I know that if I dwell on what I do not want that is exactly what I will get more of. I now affirm only the good in my life. I begin and end each day in gratitude and joy. I laugh at myself and at Life. Nothing can bring me down. Life supports me in every possibly way and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.