Inner Wisdom

Tuning into your intuition during troubled times can be difficult. With so much noise, information, and clutter within the world, your thoughts can often be clouded with distractions. Adding to all that noise is your own self doubt, your ego and your brain that prevents you from trusting your intuition. Your brain and ego are powerful forces that can drown out your quiet inner voice-the voice that can tell you exactly what you need to know and to do, if you would only listen. Today, begin to trust what you know, and be willing to trust it enough to act upon it. Trust that your assessment of the things in your life is accurate, that your feelings are valid, that your observations are not all in your head. Trust that you know what is true for you. And then, trust that you have enough courage to take action on what you know. In truth, YOU always know what you need and how to proceed next, but fear can creep in causing you to second guess yourself. Today begin to know that you can never make a wrong decision because you can always “right” your decision down the line. Know that whatever you are experiencing now is an opportunity that has presented itself to you, which means on some level you are ready for it. Trust in your truth. Have unwavering faith in yourself and know that your intuition always wants to guide and support you in every moment.

Just for today, I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to that small still voice inside of me. And when I do, I hear all the answers to all the questions I shall ever ask. I trust my inner wisdom and I make decisions with ease. My intuition is always on my side and always knows what is best for me. I am safe and out of this situation only good will come. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Let yourself be surprised

It is no secret that life is full of surprises, when you least expect them. And, while some of us thrive in those conditions, many of us suffer and struggle because we have the need to be in control of everything. However, that need to control everything and feel like you know what is coming next is in reality limiting your life. Today begin to acknowledge that Life is truly about the next surprise and that you have a choice on how you respond and react to those surprises. You have a choice to continually suffer and struggle in the face of surprise or whether you welcome and embrace it. Life will surprise you if are open to possibilities, without knowing how things will unfold. While having some expectations can be good to have, being bound by them can limit your life since something better could unfold in your life that you cannot even imagine. Struggle ensues when you expect life to develop in a particular way and suffering results from your resistance to what “IS” happening. That doesn’t mean you are ambivalent or do not care. Rather you are less attached to outcomes, resulting from your passive state of anticipation. Today, just remain open to the possibilities and recognize that in reality life is a series of surprises. Don't be in such a rush to figure everything out. Today embrace Life and allow it to surprise you.

Just for today, I recognize that this is a day of delightful surprises. I eagerly await each moment. I recognize that Life is an exciting surprise. I awaken in the morning looking for positive experiences and I find them in the most unexpected places. I express gratitude for all the good in my life. Each day brings me wonderful new surprises. I am safe. It is only change and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Self Judgement

We all judge ourselves at times and often we don’t even realize we’re doing it. It can feel natural to narrate your day with a cruel inner monologue that assesses and judges everything you do as insufficient, just not good enough. We all are our toughest critics and all our self judgement sets us up to feel like the whole world is judging us too. Today, consciously listen to your inner dialogue, to your self talk so that you can hear how hard you are on yourself and how that judgement is stopping you from growing and from having the relationships and the life you desire. Today, listen to your self talk and begin discover the real reasons and the fears that are driving you when you are berating and beating yourself up. Listen to yourself to uncover the lies that are in truth under your self-critical thoughts. Then offer yourself the empathy and the understanding that you want from other people. By becoming your own best friend, your biggest supporter, you will no longer fear judgement from others and no longer need excessive and continual approval from anyone.

Just for today, I release the need to judge and criticize anyone, including myself. We are all living the best way we know how. I monitor my self talk, making certain that it is uplifting and supportive of myself and others. I am my own best friend. Other friends may come and go but I am always here with myself. I am safe and I am in the process of making positive changes in every area of my life. All is truly well in my world and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Hate can never win

Yesterday and perhaps most of last year it may have seemed that hate won. That hate had somehow taken over our country and normally good, intelligent people had decided that hate gave them more power than love. We however saw the power of love emerge out of the incredible chaos that yesterday hate had created. And as we awaken to a new day, as our country awakens from its four year slumber filled with hate and anger, we too can awaken to the fact that hate only destroys and is never the foundation of growth or forward motion. In fact, hate cannot produce anything positive whether it’s us doing the hating of ourselves, or whether we’re hating on other people, things, places… it just is not possible. Hate produces more hate, plain and simple. So, today begin to be the light in your world by stop hating on yourself. If you and I let go of our hate for ourselves, our government, other people, our own lack of progress, whatever hate we’re projecting, we can begin to find more peace and love in our world. If we let go of hate, beginning with ourselves, then we will begin to create a ripple effect from our loving hearts. Today, let go of your fear and return to love because we cannot hate ourselves into the version we want to become or to create the world that we desire.

Just for today, I let go of all fear and doubt and Life becomes simple and easy for me. I recognize that it is my mind that creates my experiences and that I am unlimited in my own ability to create the good in my life. I have faith in the unlimited loving power of the Universe. I am safe and Life supports me in every possible way. All is truly well in my world and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.


Part of the real beauty of life is that it’s unpredictable. Nothing is permanent, everything changes; and of course, a lot of things can happen that will transform who you are and have an impact on your life. The problem is that we need to cultivate the ability to truly accept whatever comes our way and embrace it. And that is exactly what 2021 is and will be all about-revolutionary change and allowing yourself to make those changes. And those revolutionary changes are being fueled by the planet Uranus. Uranus is a revolutionary planet that brings sudden insights and innovation. It is a boundary breaking planet which will push you and I to see beyond our previously conceived limitations. Today, once again allow yourself to be open to change. Be open to shake up your routines that are actually keeping you in a rut. If you have a relationship that feels oppressive, a job that feel soul-crushing or a stagnant social life, you are being called to change those things, to reinvigorate your life. Most likely you've been feeling the need to change for a long time. Today allow yourself to act on your inner knowing and set your intentions to change. Today, listen to your intuition and allow it to help you to let go of who and what you were so that you can create a new life that is much more in alignment with who you are today.

Just for today, I am willing to see where and how I need to change. I choose to believe that it is easy to change a thought or behavior pattern. I trust my intuition and make decisions with ease. I am willing to step out of my comfort zone and experience life in a whole new way. I am safe, divinely guided and protected. Everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Infinite possibilities

As we face a new year, many of us feel some sort of pressure to set the course for our new year or to figure out what comes next. And, in other quiet years, that intention setting was usually warranted and feasible. This year however the Universe has lots of surprises for you and me. What you "think" you want now will most likely transform throughout this year. And, this year nothing is set in stone. What you think now will change. And, in all likelihood, your perspective will be completely different by the end of the year. One thing that is for sure is that the Universe wants to shake you out of your complacency and no stone will be unturned. Your career, friends, finances, all of it will go through a renovation-an upgrade of sorts. So, if you're having trouble focusing on your intentions, know you are in the right place. Your intentions will change many times throughout the year. What's most important now is to focus on staying grounded and open to infinite possibilities. So today, consciously open yourself to the infinite possibilities that await you without fear but with anticipation and excitement. It may seem like a hard thing to embrace uncertainty because all we can see is the cloud of doubt and question marks. But when the future isn’t set, when we aren’t destined to become just one thing, we can become anything! Today, embrace the uncertainty and the infinite possibilities that await you.

Just for today, my heart and mind are open to infinite possibilities and abundance. I am grateful for this day and the infinite possibilities it holds for me. I relax and know that Life supports me at all times. I now live in the totality of possibilities. I am loved and supported by Life itself. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.


People come in and out of our lives constantly. Some are blessings, some are lessons. The latter come to teach us things about ourselves. They help us dig deep and heal old wounds that we’ve buried for years. Some people stay and some leave. However, some of the ones who leave us, leave a mark. A deep mark. A cord if you will. For whatever reason, we just can’t seem to let go of those people. We think about them constantly, we may even cry over them, and are borderline addicted to them. This is a cord of attachment. That person, or for that matter, that place or that thing has left such a tremendous impact on our lives and we just can’t let go. It doesn’t matter if this person was toxic or not, the cord is rooted firmly and we’re completely attached. Today it is time to consciously and intentionally begin to let go of attachments to people, but also to your beliefs, habits, and anything that you know that you do not want in your life but haven't been able to detach from. Attachment is the emotional dependence we put on things, or people, with some degree of our survival interwoven into the precious person or thing we have attached to. You may not even understand why you remain attached so make some quiet time for yourself to delve deeper so that you can realize that only you can bring yourself happiness, despite your current belief that you need that person, place, thing to feel safe. Today, allow yourself to let go and become attached to yourself by learning to love, approve, appreciate yourself.

Just for today, I am willing to let go. I give myself permission to let go. I forgive everyone for all past perceived wrongs. I release them with love. They are now free and I am now free to move forward with love in my heart. I am safe, divinely guided and protected. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

New Year, New Month, New Day

It is a New Year and yet this month may feel quite similar to last month and perhaps the month before. For you see, we are intended to be processing and integrating all the intense lessons of last year. However, despite it feeling like the same old year, things have changed and will continue to change. For you see, that while 2020 brought so much change, 2021 brings innovation and the ability to expand our minds and the ways we choose to live our lives. 2021 calls for us to be discipline, and yet extra creative, and to think outside the box. 2021, according to numerology is a 5 universal number and the nature of the number 5 is to disrupt the status quo-to promote revolution, freedom, innovation and radical change. Anything outdated and outmoded will need to be upgraded. Any changes that have been avoided will need to be reconciled. And all your repetitive thoughts and actions that truly are holding you back but you have refused to let go of will be eradicated this year. One thing that is for certain is that change is inevitable and no one, no matter how together you have convinced yourself that you are and nothing needs to change, no one will be immune from those changes. So today, begin this new year, this new month and this new day with the intention of truly being open to change; to being open to letting go and to being open to beginning again, beginning anew in this New Year.

Just for today, I recognize that this is a new day one that I have never seen before. I begin anew and claim and create all that is good. I am willing to change. I am willing to step out of my comfort zone and experience life in a whole new way. I am safe. It is only change and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

Say Yes to Life

It is a New Year and it is time for you and I to step out of our comfort zones and say "yes" ! Say yes to opportunities that challenge you. Say yes to new experiences, say yes to challenges that are going to propel you forward, say yes to investing in yourself and in your dreams, say yes to loving yourself and giving yourself permission to try. Say yes to this new year and it will say yes back to you. Just for today, I am a YES person. As I say yes to life, Life says yes to me. Life mirrors my every thought. As I keep my thoughts positive, Life brings me only good experiences. My future is bright and beautiful. I am safe, divinely protected and guided. All is truly well in my world, right now. And so it is.

Intentions for a New Year

It is New Year's Eve, the last day of this year, which was filled with chaos, uncertainty, fear and lots of loss. And, although none of us were left untouched by the chaos, we have come to understand that through that chaos emerged a new order. Through the chaos, you and I have indeed grown, expanded, and become much wiser. And, through the adversities, we have learned to trust more in our true and higher selves. Today, on this last day, make time to create a list of what this year has taught you and for what you are grateful for, before you set your intentions for the new year. Then, set your intentions to step into the New Year choosing happiness for yourself and those around you. Remember, happiness is a choice that comes from within. Regardless of your external circumstances, your perception determines your emotions.

So, set your intentions to choose to look on the bright side of everything. At every point in time, and especially when confronted with imminent change, you have a choice of whether to embrace or to resist. Embracing change requires courage and trust because it’s always unnerving to step outside your comfort zone. But when you trust and embrace, change can bring you excitement, growth, and infinite new possibilities. You will find yourself forging new fulfilling friendships, relationships, successes, and joys. New ideas will emerge into manifestations. Imagination and dreams will become a reality. A new phase will continue and take you forward with the flow. Today, we get to set the course for a new phase/new year of our lives. May you flow with the energies of change and embrace this wondrous gift of life, along with its mystery and excitement, into the unknown, into a New Year.

Just for today, I am willing to change. I release all resistance to change and flow easily and lovingly with new challenges, new experiences and new people who enter my life. I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of my ever changing life. I am grateful and in truth, everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.


There is so much stress in our day to day existence and we all do lots of stuff to try to rid ourselves of that stress. However, you nor I can ever eliminate "stress" from our lives until we begin to understand that stress is a fear reaction to life and to life’s constant changes. Stress has become a catch word for anything we find challenging, unpleasant or just uncomfortable and we use it as an excuse for not taking responsibility for our feelings. Today begin to equate the word stress with the word fear and you can begin to eliminate the need for fear in your life. A peaceful and relaxed person is neither frightened nor stressed. Today, acknowledge that your stress will not ever go away as long as you live on this planet, but the way you deal and confront it can change. And, that change does not happen in your outer world, but it comes from within you. When you are kinder to yourself, you become kinder to others. When you love yourself, become compassionate and patient with yourself, you are able to give it away freely to others. So today, lighten your load and your holiday stress by being kind, comforting and understanding of yourself. Begin to practice letting go of fear and trusting that things will always work out for your highest good-not the way you want them, but always for your highest good. Today, consciously release your fear and watch the stress leave your life.

Just for today, I create a stress free world for myself. I realize that stress is just fear. I release all fears. I am a capable person and I can handle anything that comes my way. I am safe and I know that Life will support me in every way. Out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

Full Moon in Cancer

Tonight we have our final Full Moon in Cancer. We began this memorable year with a Full Moon Eclipse in Cancer. So now everything is coming full circle as we end this year with another Full Moon in Cancer. Cancer is a deeply emotional sign. In the water sign of the crab, we learn to protect our sensitivity with almost impenetrable boundaries. And, Cancer governs all that we hold dear, our families, our memories, and our emotional well-being. So much of our safety and security has been tested this year and from those tests we have been shown our strength and resilience. And as we end this year, this last Full Moon is asking us to finally let go of what has been weighing us down. This Full Moon is asking us to feel all our feelings, to process them and then, to let them go. It asks us to let go of anything we no longer wish to bring with us into this new chapter we are about to begin. It calls for us to let go, not through struggle, suffering or effort but through allowing ourselves to just be. And, it reminds us that we always have the power to create safety, comfort, love, and warmth right where we are right now. Today, let the energy of the Cancer Full Moon soothe you and free you. Allow the energies of the Full Moon to guide you to your inner home, where all is safe and all is well.

Just for today, I am willing to let go. I easily, effortlessly and joyously let go of all that no longer serves any purpose in my life. I willingly release the need to struggle and suffer. I deserve all that is good in Life. I have the power to create the Life I desire and I claim that power now. Life supports me in every possible way and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Liberate yourself from your self imposed limitations


As we countdown to the end of this incredibly challenging year, it is time to begin to set your intentions for a New Year-wohoo! And 2021 will look very different than 2020. In 2020, we experienced a multitude of retrogrades and eclipses, which made for lots of restriction, oppression, boundaries and burdens. In stark contrast, 2021 will be all about freedom, liberation and some believe, revolution. Although we will experience a new sense of freedom, we will also experience a lot of conflict because we all have different ideas of what freedom looks like. Today, to prepare for the new year, begin to recognize where in your life you want to experience more freedom. Today, ask yourself where you have imposing unnecessary restrictions or limitations upon yourself and others, which have kept you and your life stuck in limitation. And finally how can you liberate yourself from what is keeping you limited and stuck. By recognizing where in reality you have kept yourself small and limited, you can then set your intentions to let go of them, even if you are afraid of what comes next. 2021 will bring a few bumps and shake-ups, but it also offers us the gift of creativity and innovation. This is a year to really expand your mind, take flight from your comfort zone, and to try new things. Today, remember that your limit is not the sky. It is your mind.

Just for today, I rise above all limitations. I recognize that it is my mind that creates my experiences. I am unlimited in my ability to create the good in my life. I claim my power and move beyond all limitations. I am willing to step out of my comfort zone and experience life in a whole new way. I am responsible for my own happiness. I am safe. It is only change and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is