
Mistakes happen. Failure occurs. Things don’t always go to plan and that is life, and it’s necessary for personal growth. As long as you keep improving and moving forward without compromising your core values and therefore, your integrity, you can achieve almost anything. Today, the Universe is offering you more energy and tenacity so that you can persevere and work through the difficult challenges, which you have been facing during the past couple of months. Use that energy to help you to persevere by continuing to put one foot in front of the other. Today, do not allow anyone to knock you off from the goal that you see in your mind’s eye. This journey is yours and nobody has the right to change your destination.Learn from the feedback that you receive, both good and bad, but don’t take anything personally. Today, recognize that it is through perseverance that you can keep moving on this amazing journey toward success, one failure at a time.


Just for today, I will continue to persist on my journey until I manifest my true heart's desires. I persist and persevere not matter what. I will not give up today. I am stronger than my pain and I will be triumphant. I believe in myself and my ability to do anything that I choose to do. I am divinely protected, guided and loved. And, everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.