Fly free and be strong!

Wohoo! Mercury goes direct today and the winged messenger can finally fly forward and so can you! The last three weeks have given us all opportunities to dive deep into the depths of our psyches so that we could uncover our fears and phobias. And, through that process we have become wiser and our resolve has become stronger. Today, before you move full speed ahead into your plans, take some time to evaluate what the Universe has been teaching you and why. You and I have lots of exciting opportunities and lessons ahead of us. Today, let yourself fly free and be strong.


Just for today, I forgive all past experiences. I am grateful for every experience that I have ever had for they have shaped me into who I am today and that is exactly who I am supposed to be right now at this very moment. Experiences come and go however my love for myself is constant. Life brings me only good experiences and in truth everything is always working out for my highest good And so it is