are so worth them!

Only by knowing your true self can you relate to others in a meaningful way. And that is what the energies of today are teaching us. Although we are in the sign of Leo, the gregarious and people loving sign, the lion has a very sensitive side hidden within that also needs some time alone. Today allow yourself to feel all your feelings and be honest with yourself. It is very important to exercise healthy boundaries. Your time and energy are valuable resources. Use them wisely and stop wasting them on people, places and things that give you absolutely nothing back in return. As you exercise more self love, you will attract people and opportunities who support your well being. Today, go within and listen to what you really need and make today all about you and your self care. You are so deserving!


Just for today, I recognize that my alone time is just as fulfilling as the time I spend with others. I maintain healthy boundaries yet still remain open to the goodness of others. I am a master at setting healthy boundaries that protect my time, creativity and emotional well being. I love, honor and respect myself and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.